US Open Tennis Championship, Flushing NY www.usopen.org
Labor Day Holiday
The Great New York State Fair, Syracuse NY www.nysfair.ny.gov
Kanye West performs at Madison Square Gardens (through 6th) www.thegarden.com
The NFL season commences with the kickoff game between Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers www.nfl.com
New York Fashion Week commences (through September 15th) www.nyfw.com
NFL Week 1: New York Jets at Home versus Cincinatti Bengals, NY Giants at Dallas Cowboys www.nfl.com
Singer Adele performs at Madison Square Gardens (through 26th) www.thegarden.com
The 41st Ryder Cup Golf contest between the USA and Europe's golfing greats at Hazletine National Golf Club, Chasks, Minnesota www.rydercup.com (until October 2nd)