Anthony Morali, Green Stream Holdings, Inc
Green Stream Holdings Inc. is quickly becoming the emerging leader in the solar utility space. Founded by Madeline Cammarata of Chuck’s Vintage, the company’s primary goal is to provide clean and affordable solar energy. It has created a Solar Greenhouse with an integrated Aquaponics system that allows maximum growth yield in limited space. Examples include on top of commercial rooftops or standalone space in a water-deprived environment while increasing bottom line profits, continuous growth, and saving on utility costs.
Green Rain Solar, LLC, a division focused on developing next-generation solar greenhouses, uses proprietary greenhouse technology and a trademarked design created by Anthony Morali. He also serves as Creative Solar Advisor of Green Rain Solar. Green Stream and Morali have been engaged in a partnership to develop these revolutionary greenhouses and other state-of-the-art solar projects in rapidly growing solar markets. Its operations are in California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. Some project portfolios are the new Solar Green House, Stitch Building, Saint Raymond’s Church and School, Hampton’s Solar on Pergola, and Stellar Management.
New York Lifestyles Magazine sat down with Anthony Morali to discuss his interest in solar energy, the assets of having solar energy, and the latest solar canopy project.
What is the importance of solar energy?
Solar energy is accessible and healthy. However, we want more independent energy sources so we can get away from the dependency on fossil fuels that requires oil, gas, and coal to be burned, causing severe repercussions to the environment.
How did you first get involved with solar energy?
After graduating from Pratt Institute with a degree in architecture, I wanted to design with the thought of being energy efficient and environmentally friendly. In 2004, I founded and developed SolarRail, a building integrated photovoltaic application that incorporates the benefits of thin-film photovoltaics with structural glazing to create balcony railings, terrace walls, or guardrails that generate electricity. I wanted whatever I was developing free of fossil fuel dependency. I make everything through Passive Design Architecture, integrating architecture and the environment, whether designing a building with open spaces for healthy airflow or designing a glass wall solar film system for a building’s windows.
What can you tell us about projects like the Solar Greenhouse?
While it is being developed even further, the Solar Greenhouse is essential to the Food Growth Industry
Roofs with vegetation have been shown to extend roof life, conserve energy, and reduce stormwater runoff and air pollution; recent studies show that they can also improve the performance of solar panels. Plants reduce a roof’s contribution to the urban heat island effect by cooling the surrounding air through evaporation; this cooling can also help photovoltaic panels perform more efficiently. The Solar Greenhouse provides a controlled environment that supplies energy to the irrigation systems to ensure a flow of water.
What can you tell us about the latest solar canopy project?
The Solar Canopies are multi-functional. Their design provides a lot of energy and is excellent for placement in used space or storage areas. These overhead solar panel installations can be installed in parking lots or other open areas. In addition, a solar canopy can reduce the energy a building or site needs to operate. During peak sunlight midday, your facility can run off the power generated by the solar canopy. When the amount of green energy collected exceeds the moment’s needs, that power is then saved to your system for later use.
What do you see in the future for solar energy and Green Stream Holdings?
As the world evolves, moving towards clean, green energy is a team effort involving a universal mindset. Thankfully the last few years, legislation has made it easier for clean energy like Solar energy to be the way of the future. In New York State, the powerplants are being shut down in favor of several microgrids supplying renewable energy. In New York City, new buildings are no longer allowed to use gas as a power source, as solar and other renewable energy sources will provide more power to these infrastructures. Green Stream understands this is not only good for the environment but also the long-term economic structure. With the way technology is constantly developing, we will be able to have solar canopies and batteries that can charge, store, and supply endless energy to your home, car, building, business, and eventually entire cities in the next 5 to 10 years.
For more information on Green Rain Solar,
visit greenrainsolar.com