History Repeats Itself…Again

By Sean-Patrick M. Hillman

First, and foremost, let me open by apologizing to my Jewish neighbors in New York, and across the country. I feel like someone needs to apologize since none of our elected officials are (where are you Mayor Adams and Governor Hochul?). The meteoric rise of antisemitism in our city and country is not only disgusting, it is pure evil. If you think this is just because of the cowardly October 7th Hamas attack against Israel, and the Israeli response, guess again. Between endless threats of violence against anyone of the Jewish faith, antisemitic protests hijacking our streets and college campuses, and a noticeable lack of any semblance of enforcement of hate crimes, I am embarrassed and angry. And you should be too.

For a city and state that is constantly beating the inclusion drum, spending millions upon millions of our hard-earned tax dollars pushing, and enforcing, so-called DEI (Diversity, Equality and Inclusion) policies, and has had two black mayors, how is it possible that there is so much hatred and animosity toward any ethnic group or religion? Last time I checked, Jews are people too. So why is this happening right now?

Yes, the October 7th attacks by Hamas, and Israel’s retaliation, is partially to blame for the rise in antisemitism. Yet, Israel’s military response to Hamas is no different than when the United States launched her offensive on Iraq after the September 11 attacks. And while “Death to America” was being chanted across parts of the Middle East, you didn’t see Americans being hated and shunned across the globe. Instead, you saw countries coming to our aid, supporting our endeavor to fight global terrorism. So why is Israel and her people facing such violence and hatred all over the world?

Many news organizations are now reporting that there are rumors that someone, or a group, is funding this massive surge of antisemitism across the nation, with specific focus on New York and college campuses throughout the US. If those rumors are true, then we need to find out who or what this organization is IMMEDIATELY. Why? Because history is literally repeating itself and we need to stop it. NOW.

Prior to World War II, the lead up to the Third Reich taking over Germany was riddled with protests and antisemitic propaganda. There were accusations back then that someone, or some organization, was behind the violence and hate against Jews spreading across Germany. As it turned out, it was the Nazi party that was pushing the narrative that eventually led to the concentration camps, and the horrific deaths of millions of Jews.

This is 2024, so how could this possibly happen? I mean with all of the virtue signaling that happens on what seems to be a minute by minute basis, how could people who feign to care about everyone express such hatred for anyone? Well, that is actually easier to answer than you think. And it evokes even more anger in my soul.

At some point in the last 15 years, our public school system changed the curriculum to soften the lesson plan for the Holocaust, the Civil War and even September 11. The justification? They wanted to be more humane and not scare the children. Are we kidding?  

I remember learning, and seeing, some incredibly horrific images as a kid when I learned about wars in Vietnam, Korea, etc etc. Where were our safe spaces back then? Oh, that’s right… WE DIDN’T NEED THEM. 

In many cases, especially in the NYC Public School system, a lot of children don’t even know what the Holocaust is. They also have little to no understanding of the Civil War, except that it was a dispute about black slaves. Then we get to September 11 where MANY children know so little about the attacks, other than the World Trade Center fell. I wish I was kidding. I am not.

If our children don’t understand the annals of the past; specifically, if so many don’t even know what the Holocaust was, then what would they care about protesting against a religion and culture they likely don’t even really understand? They wouldn’t. Let’s get back to that earlier comment about the rumors and the causality. If someone is willing to pay these people to protest and march (as the rumors have repeatedly stated), are you really that surprised that they are? Call me jaded…but I sure as hell am not.

Lastly, let’s look at the COVID-19 pandemic for more. You can’t forget that the large percentage of college students who are about to graduate this month didn’t really have a high school graduation because of the lockdowns. That is a seminal moment in so many peoples’ lives. And now many of them are in danger of losing their college graduation because of the protests and hate speeches. Just look at Columbia University. Because of the tent city that was erected, the clear hatred for the Jewish people and fear of more violence, the university has told students to take their classes from home for the remainder of the year. All because the colleges and universities refuse to offend people spewing hate speech and antisemitic messages. Yet another failure of enforcement and the further decline of any semblance of grace, professionalism and manners for the Big Apple. And all that does is lead to even more discontent and hatred toward our Jewish neighbors. Yet it isn’t their fault. It is in fact that fault of the people who refuse to call this what it is…pure hatred. And yes, hate crimes are punishable by law. It would be nice if our Mayor, City Council and Governor bothered to care.  

Folks, there is clearly an agenda at play here. No, I don’t know what it is or who is behind it. But what I can tell you is that if you are Jewish, make sure you are staying vigilant as you walk the streets of New York. You never know what kind of safe space seeking, progressive hypocrite is lurking around the corner with a baseball bat to defend Diversity, Equality and Inclusion…as long as, in their minds, it doesn’t include the “Children of Abraham.” And, yes, to quote philosopher George Santayana, “Those who do not learn history, are doomed to repeat it.” Truer words, today, were never spoken.