From Dog Walkers
to Trainers
How Pet Business International Is Tailoring Insurance to the Growing Pet Service Sector

Intrepid entrepreneurs are a special breed of human. Smart, resourceful and determined to make their business work, and matter. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many also learned the value of the pet business sector with more than 10,000 new pet services businesses opening in the last two years (up from approximately 2,000 the prior year) in New York alone. And as entrepreneurs know all too well, any service business comes with its pitfalls, most notably the liabilities. That begs the question, is your pet business covered properly by the right insurance, let alone the right insurance provider?
Setting that aside for a moment, let’s talk about the end-user and their concerns. For a pet service business to be successful, you need three things: a client database, appropriately targeted marketing and the right business acumen to make that business work. Key to this is understanding that pet parents are very particular about who cares for their furrever ones. Pet parents want reassurance that their pets are in good hands but if something were to go wrong, they would receive proper care. One of the first questions most pet parents ask is, “What kind of insurance does your business have and who provides it?” I’ve asked this question myself many times over the last 20 years.
Like any business insurance, though, not all companies and policies are created equally. So when I hear from a pet service provider that they use Pet Business International to insure that the pets in their charge are safe when the unexpected hits, I get excited. Why? Because I have personally seen the negative effects of a poorly planned insurance policy. Many years ago, I had a dog walker whose insurance was woefully insufficient and was provided by a mainstream insurance carrier whose strength was in home insurance, with little experience in the pet sector.

That led to unexpected and significant veterinary bills I had to pay for because of the negligence of the walker. Needless to say, we hired a new walker with comprehensive insurance!
Pet Business International, which launched in 12 U.S. states including Connecticut and New Jersey in August 2024, specializes in instant online insurance quotes for small and medium sized businesses that provide pet grooming, animal training, pet sitting, dog walking, boarding and other closely-related pet and animal services. So when I hear that a business uses Pet Business International’s insurance offerings, I am much more apt to support that business. The company works tirelessly to provide high-quality, low-premium plans to businesses in the pet and animal sector insurance to suit their specific needs. After all, they have provided pet business insurance for over 20 years.
With competitive pricing, a diverse offering of products suited to different service businesses within the pet space, Pet Business International has something for everyone. For example, the insurance needed for a groomer and a doggy day care has marked differences. The same goes for dog trainers and dog walkers.
Pet Business International has specialty products for each of these verticals that focuses on the unique attributes to cover not only the business but, and more importantly, the dog itself. Pet Business International’s standard offering includes general liability, accidents & injuries to animals, loss of keys, travel costs, member to member coverage for trainers, loss of animal in the event that any pet you are looking after is lost or stolen. Businesses can add on professional liability, equipment coverage and animal illness (for boarding only). And with their money-back guarantee, Pet Business International is literally putting their money where their paws are – at the care of your business and the furrever ones in your charge!

The most commonly used pet service business in the New York tri-state area is dog walking. Having dog walkers’ insurance doesn’t just protect the walker; it demonstrates the service’s commitment to safety and preparation for the unexpected. That sends the right message to clients, who will want to be sure that their pet is safe in the dog walker’s hands. Their plans cover the business against third-party claims for injury or damage caused by a dog in their charge. The walker is also covered for any accidents or injuries that may befall the clients’ pets.
Pet Business International’s insurance plans can also help with the costs involved in the event a dog is lost or stolen, and provides coverage for other important liabilities, such as losing a client’s keys if you collect and return dogs from their homes.
For dog trainers, Pet Business International’s expertise delineates between the needs of trainers versus dog walkers or groomers. As an example, dog training insurance is vital when dealing with potentially poor behaving and aggressive dogs. The business is responsible for the safety of the animals and for their actions whilst the dogs are under their watch. And that includes the dog trainer’s advice and opinion as part of the business. Dog training insurance includes services in a group, class or even on a one to one basis – training can include a range of disciplines including obedience, behavior, and agility. As the company states, “As a pet trainer you need to be sure you have insurance covering the right areas of your work – not only for your peace of mind, but also for your clients.”
This is a company that our sister publication, Pet Lifestyles Magazine, trusts and has worked with. The Pet Business International team has years of insurance experience and has consistent reinforcement training to keep improving their understanding of the industry. As a business owner, you owe it to not only your business, but your customers, to make sure that you have the best insurance product possible. And when it comes to pet business insurance, Pet Business International has the expertise, the offerings and the knowhow to help keep your business and your customers safe, happy and wagging those beautiful tails!
As a pet parent, the next time you are hiring a dog walker, going to a grooming salon or trying to find the right dog trainer, you need to ask about their insurance policy and what it entails to ensure that your furrever one is safe. For more information and to get in touch, please email